02 February 2010

Hello February.

So January overall was a sucky ass month. It had some high points. But overall it was a total drag. But January did mark 7 months into this year long separation. I have no idea how that's gonna work out, but it will. I love him TO DEATH. Speaking of love.

Ex decides its ok to message me on YIM and "propose to me" WTF?? He usually pops up every now and then to confess his love and affection and gets the same response ever time. I'm committed leave me alone. Deleted him from my YIM but it does me no good because of course I'm still on his..I'm even permanently invisible and he still messages me. Time for a new YIM name. Done & Done. But I just don't understand. It has been a LOOONG time since we've been together like AWHILE. How can one still be attached to another the way he is. Like his feelings are still strong like we just "broke up" (we were actually never official because he wasn't "ready for a relationship") I just don't understand what I did to him to make him this attached. I should feel flattered, but I'm not I'm actually feeling nothing but sadness for him. He could really make someone happy if he would just let me go. And then I made a status update about it and some girl asks "how does your bf feel about this" Girl you don't know my Lovey..he feels exactly how I do..laughing at it and moving on. He is in no way shape form or fashion insecure about my feelings for him. NOPE.

All of that made me appreciate Lovey's love for me and mine for him even more..it's just amazing.

Today was an overall good day. Each day I smile because I have such amazing people in my life. My MM girls being at the top of the list. They really came thru for me on my birthday and I've made some great friends [a few of you heffas are reading this so yes I'm talking to you lol]. I can't wait to look back on MM in a year and laugh at some old things and admire our growth and the things we made it thru [deployments, separation, family drama, pregnancy, etc] It's all pretty great.

I have 3 days off. I'm going to be productive with my life if this cold doesn't beat me down..my throat is sore..trying to fight it off..Must...Be..Strong..

Plan to mail of Lovey's CP..I suck at life..I'm gonna need to get a bigger box but keep it under 50 lbs.

Black history fact for the next 27 days to come.

-One Love.

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